Mathematics Matters
The MTA publishes a newsletter twice annually. We are always looking for news on fun classroom activities or events, retirements or other milestones, new math contests and anything else happening that showcases mathematics. Please send information to newsletter editor Erick Lee at
Recent Issues:
- Mathematics Matters Fall/Winter 2024
- Mathematics Matters Spring/Summer 2024
- Mathematics Matters Fall/Winter 2023
- Mathematics Matters Spring/Summer 2023
- Mathematics Matters Fall/Winter 2022
- Mathematics Matters Spring/Summer 2022
- Mathematics Matters Spring/Summer 2021
- Mathematics Matters Fall/Winter 2020
- Mathematics Matters Spring/Summer 2020
- Mathematics Matters Fall/Winter 2019
- Mathematics Matters Spring/Summer 2019
- Mathematics Matters Fall/Winter 2018
- Mathematics Matters Spring/Summer 2018
- Mathematics Matters Fall/Winter 2017
- Mathematics Matters April 2016
This newsletter is sent out electronically by the Nova Scotia Teachers Union (NSTU) to your NSTU email address. If you don't have one please sign up today so you don't miss out on this newsletter.
Other Mathematics Journals and Newsletters
The Variable - The Variable is a bi-monthly periodical by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers’ Society featuring articles, interviews, tasks and problems, information about professional development opportunities, and other content of interest to elementary and secondary teachers of mathematics.
Vector - Vector is the flagship journal of the British Columbia Assocition of Mathematics Teachers. It caters to the needs of all aspects of mathematics teaching and learning in British Columbia – from elementary to secondary to post-secondary teachers. The articles published in Vector are written by teachers, mathematics education researchers, and mathematicians.
delta-K - delta-K is a professional journal for mathematics teachers in Alberta. It is published twice a year to promote the professional development of mathematics educators, and stimulate thinking, explore new ideas, and offer various viewpoints.
MCATA Newsletter - The Mathematics Council of the Alberta Teachers Association published a monthly newsletter.